What Is Magefight? – An Epic New Sport

magefight wizard hat

Throughout history, there are a myriad of new and exciting sports that have emerged. There exist loads of staple sports out there, such as hockey or soccer, but there are also many lesser known sports that are worth giving a try.

One of those sports is Magefight, an epic new sport that we created ourselves, here at Ludicka.

What Is Magefight?

Magefight is an epic new sport created by Ludicka in which teams of “wizards” (players) win by using foam balls to eliminate each other, or knock down the three pillars located at each team’s home base, called a “Tower”.

Magefight, as one might be able to tell by the name, is an epic new and emerging sport that has a Wizard and Magic theme!

One fact that may surprise you is that Magefight…was created by us, here at Ludicka!

In Magefight, two or more teams with an equal amount of players compete to conquer each other!

Magefight players are called “Wizards” within the Magefight lingo.

Each Magefight team has a home base they need to protect, called a “Tower”. At each tower, 3 “pillars” are erected. These pillars are often represented by partially-filled water bottles, for convenience’s sake.

The winning condition in Magefight is simple: knock down all the pillars at the opposing team’s base (tower). Alternatively, you can also eliminate all the opposing team wizards before they have time to refill their ranks as eliminated players revive!

How do you eliminate players or knock down pillars at towers? Simply put, Magefight uses foam balls that wizards can throw at each other and at the pillars. These foam balls actually represent various spells, such as fireballs! Your imagination is the only limit!

The foam balls are verified before play, and only used if they are soft and pose no risk of injury.

Players (wizards) can only be eliminated if they are hit with a foam ball and cannot catch it before it bounces off them and touches the ground. If a wizard fails to catch the ball, they are eliminated, until they revive, 20 seconds later.

Pillars can only be knocked down with balls; accidental contact between the pillars and anything else does not count.

Ideally, in Magefight, there is one foam ball in play for every player starting the match, but you can definitely make the game work with less.

Additionally, you can add or remove as many foam balls as you want to give Magefight a different flavour, as per your liking!

The standard Magefight format is to have 2 teams with an even amount of players compete against each other, but the game of Magefight becomes even crazier with custom formats, such as with 3 or 4 teams!

In professional and competitive Magefight, the standard playing format is always 2 teams pitted up against each other. The number of players on each team tends to vary from 4 to 10 players, depending on the scenario and match format.

How To Play Magefight?

To learn how to play Magefight and get your match running with your friends as fast as possible, you can read our guide: How To Play Magefight?

However, we can still give you a little summary.

To play Magefight, you will need two teams with an equal amount of people, a handful of foam balls, and three items per team that are shaped like a water bottle (partially filled water bottles work great).

To win Magefight, you need to eliminate all the players on the other team(s), before they can revive, or alternatively, knock down all their pillars, located at their base, called a “tower”.

At the same time, you will need to protect your own pillars located at your “tower”. Read the guide mentioned at the top of this section to know the details about how to play Magefight!

What Was The Inspiration For Magefight?

Who doesn’t love wizards, magic, and ancient towers threatened to be turned to ruins? Seriously, Ludicka loves to have fun, and combining sports and a creative fantastical image feels like the best of both worlds!

With enough imagination and presence in the moment, you can really feel like you are a medieval fantasy style wizard caught up in an epic war to protect your tower, or to capture the pillars of another nation’s tower!

If you love fantasy, and to challenge yourself while staying active with your friends in this awesome social sport, you will love Magefight. You need to try Magefight out with your friends!


Congratulations for reading the end of this article! You should now have a better idea of what the amazing new sport of Magefight entails!

Will you try playing Magefight with your friends?

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