Top 5 New And Emerging Sports

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The world is filled with an incredible number of sports, some being played by just about everyone and your granny, while others are more obscure. Some lesser-known sports are obscure because they are from geographically isolated areas, while others are simply too new to be popular yet.

In the list down below, we will show you 5 of the top new and emerging sports in the world.

Top 5 New And Emerging Sports

1. Magefight

Magefight is an epic new sport created by Ludicka in which teams of “wizards” (players) win by using foam balls to eliminate each other, or knock down the three pillars located at each team’s home base, called a “Tower”.

Magefight takes you deep into the action of a fantastical wizard battle between nations, and it will get passionate!

2. Hammerfield

Hammerfield is an exciting new sport inspired by the Nordic God “Thor”, spurted from the mind of someone who really enjoyed watching the Avengers movie.

In Hammerfield, two teams engage in full-contact action on a field similar to an American football field.

You score by throwing a hammer at the goal, just like Thor’s hammer! You can also score by jumping at and touching the goal, while holding the hammer, which scores you even more points!

The sport was created by Dave Simpson in 2012.

3. Ryderball

Ryderball is a cool new sport created by Rajesh Patel in 2015.

What is Ryderball? It is a lot like Soccer, but with players riding bicycles!

In Ryderball, cyclists score points by cycling towards a ball, and kicking it, so that it is projected towards the goal.

Make sure you wear a helmet and a lot of protective gear if you try out Ryderball!

4. Tugball

Tugball is less of a sport, and more of a new type of ball which revolutionizes sports and makes them feel significantly different.

A Tugball is basically a ball with a large number of straps and knots attached to it, allowing you to hold and throw the ball in many new ways.

The possibilities with Tugball are endless; examples of sports you can breathe new life into with a Tugball include tug of war, American football, and more!

5. Hantis

Hantis is the sport that mixes table tennis with increased athleticism.

Hantis is played with 4 tables placed in a grid layout, with about 3 feet between each table. In practice, it is like a table tennis table, but with each quarter of the table pulled away from each other.

The “lanes” between each table allows players to move around the Hantis tables, creating a much more athletic, interesting, and engaging game to play over Table Tennis.

In Hantis, you can use any part of your body to strike the ball! The ball is a tennis ball.


There you go all you beautiful people! A nice little list of new and emerging sports for you to try out, either alone, or with your friends!

Go out there and make some memories, and tell us in the comments, what is your favorite sport on this list?

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