potential roommates

25 Best Questions To Ask Potential Roomates

Choosing the right roommates can be a crucial step in your life that can make it a really good time, or a nightmare. How do you know if the people you are looking at being potential roommates with will make your life better, or worse? One of the best way is to ask them the right questions.

Don’t know where to start? Down below, we have listed the best questions to ask potential roommates, so that you ensure you will get some good ones.

25 Best Questions To Ask Potential Roomates

1. Are you employed or a student?

2. What are your daily routines and habits?

3. What are your working hours?

4. Do you have any pets?

5. Are you a smoker or non-smoker?

6. How fast do you need internet to be?

7. Are you a morning or night person?

8. How do you typically spend your free time?

9. Do you like to party?

10. Are you comfortable with guests visiting the apartment?

11. How would you describe your cleaning habits?

12. How do you handle conflicts with roommates?

13. How do you handle unpaid bills or rent?

14. How do you feel about having roommates of the opposite sex?

15. How do you handle noise levels?

16. Do you clean your dishes right away?

17. How do you handle shared spaces and shared belongings, as well as appliances?

18. Are you comfortable with roommates having different styles of decorating?

19. Are you comfortable with roommates having different political or religious beliefs?


21. Are you comfortable with roommates having romantic partners visit?

22. What are your hobbies and interests?

23. Do you want to hang out with your roommates, or rather just cohabitate with them?

24. Are you often on the phone?

25. How long are your showers?

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Congratulations on getting through this list that will help you get the roommates most suitable for you! What is your favorite question on this list? Let us know in the comments down below!

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