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21 of the Best “21 Questions” Questions For Atheists

Everyone knows that the game named 21 Questions is one of the best icebreakers in the world when it comes to getting to know someone better. However, for Atheists, you may find the typical questions you find online are not specific enough to you.

Down below, you can find some “21 Questions” prompts specifically hand-picked for Atheists, along with a few general questions. The questions down below can increase the depth of your relationships with people like you, when you play 21 questions!

21 of the Best “21 Questions” Questions For Atheists

  1. Have you ever had a religious experience that made you question/doubt your atheism?
  2. Do you believe in fate and destiny, or do you think that everything is just random?
  3. Do you think that it’s important to be open about your atheism, or rather keep it private?
  4. Do you believe in an afterlife? If not, what do you think happens when we die?
  5. When did you first realize that you were an atheist?
  6. Have you ever experienced discrimination or prejudice because of your atheism?
  7. Have you ever tried to convince someone to become an atheist?
  8. Do you think atheists and religious people can be friends?
  9. Which religious texts have you ever read?
  10. Have you ever had a mystical experience, despite being an atheist?
  11. How do you deal with the thought of death?
  12. What is your response to the argument that atheism is just another form of faith or belief system?
  13. Do you think religion has done more harm than good in the world?
  14. Can atheism provide comfort and solace in times of personal hardship or tragedy?
  15. Do you believe in the concept of a soul or spirit, and if not, what happens to our consciousness after death?
  16. How do you explain the existence of the universe and life without a creator?
  17. Do you think humans have a natural inclination towards religion, or is it purely a cultural construct?
  18. What is your opinion on the separation of church and state?
  19. What is your response to the argument that without religion, there would be no moral code or basis for ethical behavior?
  20. Do you think the world would be better off without religion?
  21. In your opinion, what do you think is the biggest misconception that people have about atheists?

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Congratulations! After reading this article, you now have the power to connect with atheists on a deeper emotional level. Save your boring questions for your grandparents! Go out there and make great deep connections! Peace out!

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