21 of the Best “21 Questions” Questions For ESTJs

Everyone knows that the game named 21 Questions is one of the best icebreakers in the world when it comes to getting to know someone better. However, for ESTJs, you may find the typical questions you find online are not specific enough to you.

Down below, you can find some “21 Questions” prompts specifically hand-picked for ESTJs, along with a few general questions. The questions down below can increase the depth of your relationships with people like you, when you play 21 questions!

21 of the Best “21 Questions” Questions For ESTJs

  1. Who is a personality that you look up to?
  2. Would you rather work alone, or with a team?
  3. How do you handle yourself when things don’t go your way?
  4. How would you describe yourself to a stranger in three words?
  5. Are you a night person or a morning person?
  6. Would you rather know your future or mend the past?
  7. What is your favourite memory from your childhood?
  8. What is the worst lie you’ve heard an influential person tell?
  9. Which decision do you look back on and say, “What was I thinking?”
  10. What is the first thing you would do if you were to win the lottery?
  11. Would you consider yourself adventurous, or do you play it on the safe side?
  12. What are the healthiest and unhealthiest things you do regularly?
  13. If you found out that your current life had been only a dream, would you choose to wake up or stay in it?
  14. How do you start and end your day?
  15. What is the first thing you notice about a person?
  16. What is your biggest insecurity?
  17. What are the three things you value most in your life?
  18. Would you rather be rational or emotional when it comes to life decisions?
  19. How would you raise a child with a similar personality to yours?
  20. What was/is your favorite subject in school?
  21. If you got the power to erase one thing from the world, what would you select? Why?

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Congratulations! After reading this article, you now have the power to connect with ESTJs on a deeper emotional level. Save your boring questions for your grandparents! Go out there and make great deep connections! Peace out!

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