
21 of the Best “21 Questions” Questions For Your Manager

Everyone knows that the game named 21 Questions is one of the best icebreakers in the world when it comes to getting to know someone better. However, for Your Manager, you may find the typical questions you find online are not specific enough to you.

Down below, you can find some “21 Questions” prompts specifically hand-picked for Your Manager, along with a few general questions. The questions down below can increase the depth of your relationships with people like you, when you play 21 questions!

21 of the Best “21 Questions” Questions For Your Manager

  1. What are your expectations from your employees?
  2. What are your personal career goals?
  3. What advice can you give employees on work-life balance?
  4. What do you love most about your job?
  5. What is your least favorite part of the job?
  6. How often do you schedule one-on-ones?
  7. What is your management style like?
  8. What achievements of your team are you most proud of?
  9. Where do you see the company two years from now?
  10. What are the challenges you see that the team will be facing soon?
  11. How would you like employees to provide you with feedback?
  12. What new skills should an employee acquire to perform their duties better?
  13. What additional responsibilities can I take to gain more experience and develop my career?
  14. What future roles would be suitable for my skills and career growth?
  15. What would you change if you were in my place, and why?
  16. What makes you worry most about the company or the team?
  17. What is your biggest challenge as a manager?
  18. What are my strongest skills?
  19. Which performance goals should we focus on first?
  20. If you had an excess influx of cash for the company, how would you spend it?
  21. What made you hire me?

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Congratulations! After reading this article, you now have the power to connect with Your Manager on a deeper emotional level. Save your boring questions for your grandparents! Go out there and make great deep connections! Peace out!

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