
21 of the Best “21 Questions” Questions For Buddhists

Everyone knows that the game named 21 Questions is one of the best icebreakers in the world when it comes to getting to know someone better. However, for Buddhists, you may find the typical questions you find online are not specific enough to you.

Down below, you can find some “21 Questions” prompts specifically hand-picked for Buddhists, along with a few general questions. The questions down below can increase the depth of your relationships with people like you, when you play 21 questions!

21 of the Best “21 Questions” Questions For Buddhists

  1. Why did you become a Buddhist?
  2. What’s it like meditating a lot?
  3. What do regular people get wrong about Nirvana?
  4. What’s so important about the Dalai Lama?
  5. Should all Buddhists be pacifists and vegetarians?
  6. How does karma work?
  7. How do you know that reincarnation is real?
  8. If “buddhas” and “bodhisattvas” exist to help others in achieving “Nirvana” what is the true value of “self-effort”?
  9. What is the goal of Buddhism?
  10. Do you reject the world? Why or why not?
  11. What’s the hardest thing about being a Buddhist?
  12. What is enlightenment?
  13. What do you worship?
  14. Where do you believe morality comes from, if not from God?
  15. How do you worship or pray?
  16. Is Buddhism a religion or a philosophy?
  17. How do you meditate?
  18. What is the most common misconception about Buddhism and Buddhists?
  19. How do Buddhists become monks?
  20. What are your views on human ethics?
  21. What is the true purpose of human life?

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Congratulations! After reading this article, you now have the power to connect with Buddhists on a deeper emotional level. Save your boring questions for your grandparents! Go out there and make great deep connections! Peace out!

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