car guys in front of nice car

21 of the Best “21 Questions” Questions For Car Guys

Everyone knows that the game named 21 Questions is one of the best icebreakers in the world when it comes to getting to know someone better. However, for Car Guys, you may find the typical questions you find online are not specific enough to you.

Down below, you can find some “21 Questions” prompts specifically hand-picked for Car Guys, along with a few general questions. The questions down below can increase the depth of your relationships with people like you, when you play 21 questions!

21 of the Best “21 Questions” Questions For Car Guys

  1. What sparked your interest in cars?
  2. Have you ever attended a car show or race? What was your experience like?
  3. Have you ever tried to drive a vintage car? If so, what was it like?
  4. What do you think are the most important factors to consider when buying a car?
  5. What is your favorite car movie or TV show and why?
  6. What advice would you give to someone who wants to know more about cars?
  7. Have you ever worked on your own car? If so, what was your experience like?
  8. What is your favorite car brand and why?
  9. What do you think are the most overrated and underrated car models?
  10. Have you ever taken a long road trip by yourself/with friends?
  11. What is your favorite car-related memory?
  12. What do you think are some of the biggest misconceptions about car enthusiasts?
  13. What’s the craziest parking story that you have ever had?
  14. Have you ever helped someone start their car on the road?
  15. What is your favorite car-related song?
  16. If you were to buy a car today, would you choose an electric vehicle or a gas one?
  17. What’s your favourite online community about cars?
  18. Do you think gas is too expensive?
  19. How angry do you get when you get a ticket?
  20. What was your first toy model car?
  21. What is the most unique car you’ve ever seen or driven?

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Congratulations! After reading this article, you now have the power to connect with your fellow Car Guys on a deeper emotional level. Save your boring questions for your grandparents! Go out there and make great deep connections! Peace out!

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